into history
Camembert is a category of soft cheeses that ones are originated from small villages in France, dating back to the 18th century. They are covered with a snow-white layer of noble mold and have a viscous consistency. These cheeses are made from non-normalized milk treated with low-temperature pasteurization of a delicate type.Our cheeses are recreated according to French recipes - that's why they are so tender and delicious.
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People like our products and we are very happy about this!
Finally our dairies have learned to make real mouldy cheeses. It's good that it's always on the shelves now.
The only Russian cheese I can eat, I have been looking for one that will suit my taste for a long time, brie liked it very much.
A really delicious cheese, excellent value for money. Just recently appeared in a supermarket near my house, I often buy it.
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